Life Happens
Here at 3D Orcs, we’ve been experiencing some major life changes (the good kind!) over the last several weeks. Because of that we put some of our work on hold, and sadly that included this blog. Things are settling down now though, and operations are once again going full steam ahead!
Etsy Sales
Even during the crunch we were able to keep our Etsy Shop open, and delighted many customers with our various sets of game pieces.

Most popular was Christmas Themed Catan,

with Standard Catan
and Christmas Themed Ticket to Ride following close behind.
We were thrilled to ship our game pieces not only all across America, but also to Canada, Ireland, England, and Germany!
Seafarers of Catan
In our last blog post, we hinted that we would be launching game pieces for a game expansion set. We did!
We now have standard pieces for Seafarers of Catan available
as well as a Christmas themed set.

The sleigh ships look amazing when played along with our Christmas pieces for the base game.
We’ve got plans for pieces for more game expansions as well as entirely different games. Please let us know if there’s a game you love that you think would be enhanced by custom designed game pieces and we’d be happy to add it to our list for consideration. You can leave a comment on this blog post, or email us: customer.service(at)
Made to Order
During our slowdown we still undertook some design work, though we had less time for it than we’d have liked. We’re really excited about the results though! The designs need some more work before they’ll be available for sale, but we’ll be announcing them here over the next several weeks.
First up will be a set inspired by a customer request. Someone contacted us through our Etsy Shop and we’ve been working with her to bring her vision to reality. I can tell you now that it’s another themed set of Catan pieces, but you’ll need to come back next Monday to find out more!
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